Melody In My Heart © Surazeus 2025 02 12 The timeless song of the ocean remains the same eloquent swirl of energy heard by humans in every generation four hundred million years of evolution, so every day of loneliness or fear I replay its melody in my heart. At various points in process of my life I find myself sitting inside the room of the building where I perform some task, walking building to building along roads, driving the car to get somewhere more quickly, or swimming in the ocean of my dreams. The ocean created my soul from light by weaving carbon rings in coils of genes so on four legs I crawl up river beds and rise from lake of dreams at dawn of time then climb vast forest of singing trees till I evolve from fish to wingless angel. Invincible reason of the human brain expressing ideal concepts in flawed words designs ontology of whole world view based on loyal love for wisdom in truth that echoes from divine voice of my breath while I gaze at my face in pool of faith. I wake from dream of light in Nowhere Sea and sit on beach of hope to sing my thoughts in wordless agony of hungry fear till shadow of the sun appears in flesh and mother who created me from hope teaches me how to eat soul of the Earth. From womb of mother ocean I progress across the fruited plain of blooming trees to share spacious world of bountiful goods with every person born from waves of hope till greedy men form armies of mad boys to build empires that enslave us to work. For millions of years we humans proceed with clouds of rain over mountains of trees to flow with rivers back to mother sea while building the world with our fragile bones when we bury ancestors in the Earth who sprout into children of our desires. The timeless song of the ocean expands from core of my soul to enclose the globe that teems with conscious creatures bearing names who sing in harmony with ache of love to share bountiful fruit of generous Earth and cherish its melody in our hearts.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus gives apples to everyone who arrives in the fields of Elysium so they eat and dance and sing the timeless melody of the sea.