Virgin Mary Of America © Surazeus 2025 02 24 Relentless beauty of the daffodil, so golden bright in delicate contempt, inspires the Virgin Mary to rebel against oppression of the police state, hands shackled by gold cuffs of blind desire that chain her to the dirt-road country shack. Eyes glowing with divinity of faith, the Virgin Mary stares beyond the world to see bright paradise of honesty beneath the crumbling town of broken dreams with generous heart of social purity providing silent energy of love. Asserting calm respect of sacred faith, the Virgin Mary plots conspiracy to shatter absurd paradigm of power based on presuppositions of esteem that prop patriarchy through arrogance which still enforce domestic slavery. Waiting tables in the greasy spoon diner between the railroad and the factory, the Virgin Mary brings liberal plates of scrambled eggs with fried bacon and toast for farmers and truck drivers who admire graceful beauty of her celestial eyes. Dressed in simple yellow blouse and green skirt, the Virgin Mary of America attends the white church on the country road but always sits in the last lonely pew where she soft sings hymns of piety and quietly listens to sermons of faith. "We gather every week to pray with faith for Jesus to return and rule the world as global monarch who unites all nations, so, when the greedy scammer crowns himself King of America with Crown of Thorns, we should not be surprised at his vain pride." Shocked at intensity of her soft voice, everyone in church turns around and stares at prophetic eyes of the Virgin Mary that blaze with righteous anger of the Lord, then they all vote to excommunicate that evil woke feminist from their church. Walking alone down unpaved country roads, past rundown shacks where poor families live, barely surviving with little to eat since all government services were cut, the Virgin Mary kneels by the plum tree and cries for America lost to greed.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus searches thousands of small towns sea to shining sea to find the Virgin Mary who will save America from tyranny.