Addiction To Liberty © Surazeus 2025 02 24 Cracks in the mirror of the universe are not cracks that open my heart to love, so I walk clean cement sidewalk of hope to catch the falling star of solitude and use its liquid fire to heal my heart that mirrors faces of souls killed in wars. I shall kneel in ruins of bombed-out homes and gather burned photographs of the dead, then frame them with ontology of power to hang them in museum of weird beauty so people with liquid gold in their veins can see their souls in mirror of despair. Holding lemons in my generous hands, I look at faces of innocent children who gaze with wonder at the fractured world, safe in classrooms where no bombs of war fall, and teach them how to sing the alphabet composing spells of wisdom in sad songs. Though we fear annihilation of death and revere assertion of social power to vanquish insecurity of rage, we shall gather in houses of locked doors treasures of beauty we make with our hands, kept safe from hordes of hungry immigrants. Awake on river shore of wordless faith, I gaze at gleam in the amethyst ring that records voices of lost homeless souls, encasing letters they will never write in empty coffin of their long-dead god who arrives with fishing gear and root beer. Searching for nameless ghost of the locked door, who tries to help me understand their pain, I look out window of the haunted house to peer inside dark shadow of the mind where fishing boats bob on the lake of dreams though first mother still sits under the tree. Alone in wreckage of our social state, undone by addiction to liberty, I lie in ruins of our old world view and search for meaning in the mindless sky where light from stars that burned out long ago flicker with sweet calmness of naive faith. When I walk toward you on the busy road, two lost souls nameless in the teeming crowd, we shall unwind our tangled hearts with love to treasure mirror of the universe cracked with adorable flaws of the soul that reflect our souls long after we die.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus and Ophelia find each other in the crowd, gazing at each other in silence as people blur past their timeless love.