Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sing About The Dark Times

Sing About The Dark Times
© Surazeus
2025 02 23

To spark and fuel the faint light of hope 
so it shines brighter in looming dark times, 
we sing about the dark times with bold courage 
to help our hearts endure destructive change 
as we evade stark nothingness of death 
whose rage dissipates as we sing its name. 

Because the universe of glowing light, 
where atoms swirl in globes teeming with life, 
remains indifferent to our suffering 
as we strive to record nature of life, 
we sing about the universe we love 
since we accept it has no conscious mind. 

So many times in human history, 
when we were frightened tribes of wanderers, 
wise men and women, who experienced joy 
in painful resurrection from almost-death, 
transcended mortal state to become gods 
who taught us new ways to perceive the world. 

Now we are all near-gods with larger views 
expanded by grand songs our dead gods sang, 
so we feel forsaken by divine mind 
we think incarnates in ascended souls 
as if God, whom mortal seers personify, 
has forgotten us on this messy globe. 

Abandoned by the God we hoped was real, 
whom our ancestors worshipped with long prayers 
the past two thousand years of global wars, 
we dance with wild expression of free will 
to channel divine energy from stars 
so we can sing brightly in these dark times. 

We name the terror, that haunts our great land 
with dark despair of greedy tyranny, 
and so reduce that monster of blind rage 
to sniveling rodent sniffing in the dust, 
for that tyrant, who puffs his chest out huge, 
is not the scary devil he portrays. 

When these dark times almost muzzle your Muse 
and despair seems to paralyze your heart, 
this is the time, as Bertolt Brecht declared, 
to sing about the dark times with bold courage 
so you shine bright as beacon of respect 
which guides silenced people to join your choir. 

Though gang of thieves, motivated by greed, 
are wrecking machinery of government 
so they can oppress us with tyranny 
to suck wealth from hard labor of our hands, 
we rise from darkness overwhelming us 
to sing about the dark times we transcend. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus teaches young poets in the MFA program at the University of Zarathia to sing about the dark times with bold courage.
