Hollow Flux Of Fate © Surazeus 2025 02 23 We shall embrace the hollow flux of fate to scribe clever proverbs on cement walls which reckons conduct of the lawless gang who gamble perverse notions of despair in fraught rebellion of the lonely fool through vain contest against the faceless bank. Through endless rain on buildings of state power walks grim Aquarius with blazing eyes who bears witch hazel wand of psychic flare to face Narcissus in the mirrored hall where they hurl flashing strikes of energy in clash for who will wield the key of wealth. His vision blurring in the leaden sky where twisted creatures from the sunless sea scuttle across barren angst of his heart, Narcissus shouts with ferocious disgust at thousands of angels in business suits who tremble in mute horror at his rage. Translucent bones of his delicate soul, cleansed of sorrow in pool of bitter snow, Aquarius reaches both hands to the sky to gesture with kinetic sleight of thought which channels straight somatic bolt of light to shatter illusion of psychic power. Encircling spiral swirls of fetid fog, congealed in roughened pungency of fear, Narcissus strikes back with aggressive growl at crumbling shudder rage contrives to fake, then howls in shock as all his evil plans to crown himself global king dissipate. Shocked by intense desire to live with faith, Aquarius radiates conceptual soul on crystal wings of ringing chandeliers to render wholesome solitude expired with calm reptilian honesty of pride, then strikes the fatal blow of history. Triumphant over gang of growling thieves, who flee the crumbling walls of social wealth, Aquarius declares great victory of honest people fighting for their rights against the faceless oligarchs of wealth who wail as their fake dollars dissipate. Though weight of wisdom in our hollow hearts bears imperceptible whorl of false dreams, we utter spells of horror all alone in doorless rooms where no photographs hang framed by world view we accepted as real, so we embrace the hollow flux of fate.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus arrests Narcissus to prevent his theft of the national treasury, and tries him as traitor to Zarathia.