Rage Of Lost Centuries © Surazeus 2025 02 05 The sea is still cold with oblivion, hurling waves with rage of lost centuries at ground of truth we always believed in, but no real path in the world is ever straight, so I set object of my life to reach distant hills that are exploding again. For over one hundred years of hope now our world of cities mushrooming from death has been flaring with rockets of ambition that shatter cathedrals and mosques to dust for they were propped up with deceptive lies that cannot protect our souls from the truth. Red hyacinths of winter mornings burn with frantic music of aggressive birds that follow refugees in the waste land who clap their hands and stomp on empty graves because the last soldier to die in war gave up attempting to write songs of love. When banks and cathedrals of futile faith stand empty along busy city streets, we know the angels who came a long way hold solid anguish of doom in their hands after wandering in helpless woods with Death while deciding what action to perform. Bright bells of noon can no longer be heard across the campuses of higher learning where scholars write formulas of despair with blood of angels on vanishing walls that defeat is no word the young accept when they go searching for the Promised Land. The heart that gathers honest loneliness sinks into swirling ocean of false words, so we return from wilderness of lies with nothing but the truth in open hands, determined to build from ruins of faith world empire based on liberty for all. Dark evening gives bright river to our eyes so we all follow our own river home, yet gather confused on the ocean shore all nations of the Earth in restless crowd to seek guidance in our indifferent stars till the darkness tells us how to behave. Justice wears one single face of respect composed of every face we humans wear as we proclaim in court of honest tales we are the heroes of each judgment case, yet when I observe the whole human race I see myself in every nameless face.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus hands to students on the university campus pamphlets with bright pictures of the wonderful future bolstered by false promises of noble action.