Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Glimmer Of Weird Fate

Glimmer Of Weird Fate
© Surazeus
2025 02 05

Though all the rivers of the world run dry 
and rain never falls again from the sky, 
Sylphus will cry when he hears the sweet tune 
Rhea sings while she dances by the moon 
in long gown that flutters in the soft breeze 
long after she died in the winter freeze. 

While Philomela on the river shore 
sings with nightingales by the temple door, 
Lupa boils rabbit stew on the hot stove, 
and twin wolf boys play in the apple grove, 
roving in the forest of seven hills 
to play with wolves along the sparkling rills. 

Lounging outside mossy Lupercal cave, 
Tiberinus dips hand in river wave 
to clean each fig he plucks from the broad tree, 
then chuckles when he sees wolf boys leap free 
and dance around him, flapping arms like wings, 
till he gives them his special magic rings. 

When they lie together under bright stars, 
the old river god tells them about Mars, 
their father who guards their spirits from harm 
with magic radiance of the golden charm, 
and sent Faustulus to raise them with care, 
till they sleep with red flowers in their hair. 

Racing in the woods in shadows of faith, 
Sylphus protects twin boys from hidden wraith, 
keeping them safe when they fish in the stream, 
and grinning amused when they drink milk cream 
till Lupa chases them from the sheep pen 
but sighs resigned when they sneak in again. 

Leaping from temple on the river shore, 
where Saturnus strums lyre inside the door, 
Romulus and Remus race in the vale 
around in circles on the forest trail, 
running to the top of the Palatine 
then down and back up the steep Aventine. 

Gasping for breath and laughing with respect, 
they enter Lupercal cave to inspect 
large diamond that glitters in rocky wall, 
amazed by strange glow of the waterfall, 
then run to temple where Saturnus draws 
letters in spells that describe the first cause. 

Turning surprised at glimmer of weird fate, 
Remus sees Juturna step through the gate, 
so he offers her red rose of his heart, 
and blushes when she puts it on her cart, 
which he pulls to spend more time by her side, 
then he kneels and asks her to be his bride. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus listens as Saturnus brags about the wolf boy twins at the wedding feast of Remus and Juturna while her father Janus gets drunk and cries.
