Sunday, February 9, 2025

Minerva On The Hill

Minerva On The Hill
© Surazeus
2025 02 09

From smoking ruins of empire we rise 
to construct new state of Zarathia 
where all live equal under spacious skies 
through Liberty endorsed by Pythia 
who prophesies our glorious Golden Age 
where Apollo sings on the Freedom Stage. 

Through swirling mist of social war we race 
to transcend failed nationalist attitude 
and soar high on bold wings of Icarus 
with mission to restore kind fortitude 
that bolsters progress of democracy 
based on mutual respect of Liberty. 

Though our star-spangled banner no more streams 
on ramparts of justice and liberty, 
our guiding star of honesty still gleams 
through perilous fight against tyranny, 
so rally with Minerva on the hill 
to protect personal choice of free will. 

United by our special differences, 
we express strength in our diversity 
in solemn scenes where all are witnesses 
who prosper together through equity 
based on inclusion in our social play 
of every soul who walks the Liberal Way. 

We walk one golden highway of respect 
to join our hands from sea to shining sea, 
exploring process of cause and effect 
that ensures every person can live free 
so we do what we will, if we harm none, 
shooting with the camera and not the gun. 

Though traitors and thieves control the White House 
they cannot control how we think and feel 
as we maintain our home with loving spouse 
to nurture children with empathic zeal 
who build on ruins of America 
new state of freedom lead by Onatah. 

Helping each other bear the heavy load 
in struggle to build paradise on Earth, 
we sing together on the open road 
wise hymns that code the secret of rebirth 
that spurs revolt against the corporate king 
who flees when honest citizens can sing. 

Our new star-spangled banner waves again 
above our homes from sea to shining sea 
when we unite our many hearts in one 
to protect fair justice through liberty, 
so rally with Minerva on the hill 
to protect personal choice of free will. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus strums lyre of Mercury and sings new national anthem of Zarathia before Super Bowl CXX.
