Monday, February 10, 2025

Calculus Of The Clock

Calculus Of The Clock
© Surazeus
2025 02 10

From grand perspective of learning to dream 
her heart requires calculus of the clock 
to checkmark every moment of insight 
that broadens world view of innocent faith 
which helps enlighten vision of this world 
guiding successful progress to her grave. 

All social attachments of tangled hope 
that bound her to community of souls 
broke from dire predictions of dead birds 
whose mutilated songs of honest fear 
crack faithful windows of deserted homes 
that gape with hungry mouths of discontent. 

Reluctant buzzing head of anguished wind 
pulses with arrogant beams of blank sun 
glaring nonchalantly through purple eyes 
of hope-combusted laughter, discompaled 
by placid-splattering blast of helpless courage 
to proceed against cold buffeting wind. 

Disfigurements of passion may persist 
with thoughtless stumble of atomic fate, 
yet she precludes affection for the dead 
whose faceless anguish haunts sun-bleeding streets 
between collapsing houses of cracked bones 
with chronic hope of grim unsightliness. 

With stale laconic face of hungry scars 
her wordless cries define extensive clues 
of bleak perdition clasping treasured dreams 
based on eternal beauty reconciled 
with fear-enforced creeds of faithless truth, 
misremembered by clouds of bloodless rain. 

Without companion soul of fierce support 
she stands alone, neither erect nor strong, 
face to faceless emptiness of desire 
since her wings never burst into sweet fire 
of stark angelic passion to connect 
trembling bodies beyond contrary moods. 

Contrived doctrine stacking books in high walls 
constrains aggressive passion to attend 
dire need of the hour controlling fraught fear 
that drives her body against nothingness 
solid as tree trunks where she stumbles lost 
and clutches careless hope with bleeding hands. 

Ophelia hides in shadowy woods 
while soldiers of the new castle king hunt 
cluttered streets of deserted villages 
to kill rebels against authority, 
and cries while clutching picture book of prayers 
that Hamlet gave her in their secret grove. 


  1. Orpheus finds Ophelia hiding terrified in the woods near Elsinore Castle, so he disguises her with fur cape and spirits her away from assassins of the new king.

  2. Discompale - Pale means an sacred enclosure, so discompale means to throw someone out of a safe place they shared with other people.
