Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Guard National Heart

Guard National Heart
© Surazeus
2025 02 11

When he is cursed with the cerulean bane 
concerning whether good is real or not, 
Orlando hides in the time-crumbling fane 
to study old mysterious book he bought 
in his quest to find the meaning of life 
other than wisdom gained from endless strife. 

Gazing out dream-cracked window of his mind 
to augur the future from how birds fly, 
Orlando admires the world his bride designed 
because there is no clear answer to why 
this universe of matter spins as light 
where wingless angels have discovered flight. 

Preserving fiscal computer network 
that manages cash pay from Treasury, 
Orlando performs role of the Dream Clerk 
to guard national heart from treachery, 
maintaining functions of society 
which shields mental health from anxiety. 

Wielding sword Durendal in his right hand 
with mission to protect heart of our state, 
Orlando guards computers of our land 
against invaders, who attack the gate 
to channel money in their bank accounts, 
with honest courage his brave heart surmounts. 

Demonstrating how he battled the thief 
when Mammon attempted to seize control, 
Orlando reports to the temple chief 
success in arresting the greedy mole 
send by Midas to steal wealth from the people 
who pray to Jesus beneath the tall steeple. 

Commissioned by Saturnus with gold seal 
to rebuild Treasury of America, 
Orlando designs complex Fortune Wheel 
that nourishes children of Onatah 
who thrive based on Justice and Liberty, 
free from oligarch-funded tyranny. 

When Mammon tries to steal money we earn 
by controlling computers with false keys, 
Orlando protects our national concern 
to channel money back to families 
who work for our communal enterprise 
because we all make America rise. 

Constructing safe homes with gardens of fruit 
on ruins of the grand American Dream, 
Orlando retrieves the lucrative loot 
that Mammon stole in vast fraudulent scheme, 
and builds Zarathia for all to share 
in world money game where all can play fair. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus helps Orlando retrieve all the money from American tax dollars that Mammon and Midas stole from the Treasury.
