Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Golden-Bull Clown

Golden-Bull Clown
© Surazeus
2025 02 11

The skinny boy with no shoes on his feet 
skips jauntily jobless on the dusty road, 
plotting how to accomplish the grand feat, 
with help from wisdom of the howling toad, 
of dethroning the vile tyrant of greed, 
so he can sow the world with apple seed. 

The skinny boy with straw hat on his head 
goes fishing in the Gulf of Mexico 
to feed five million with whale meat and bread 
which he barbecues on church portico 
while Apollo plays country-western songs 
and Minerva judges to right all wrongs. 

The skinny boy who abdicates his throne, 
and builds homes for the poor in fields of wheat, 
hides his pirate treasure in the stone 
that glimmers under the Perilous Seat 
till he returns one day from sacred quest 
to bring the Holy Grail back from the west. 

The skinny boy who pretends to be bad 
reveals wyrd nature of the fanciful 
in puppet show before Sir Galahad 
who steals the tower key from Perceval 
to wear the Crown of David without fear 
so he can prove Earth is a spinning sphere. 

The skinny boy riding Bucephalus 
studies state of the psychic particle 
to resurrect from gold sarcophagus 
Star Witch who leads the global carnival 
where they crucify the golden-bull clown 
who tries to steal from Christ his thorny crown. 

The skinny boy with wings of Icarus 
hides Clavis Artis from the tyrant king 
while escaping prison with Pegasus 
to find the most powerful magic ring 
which he can use to change our global fate 
through alchemical spells angels create. 

The skinny boy with gun of arrogance 
declares this land from river to the sea 
shall remain his birthright inheritance 
ruled over by Goddess of Liberty 
while he tries to assemble puzzle code 
that maps the ever-shifting signless road. 

The skinny boy with nothing left to lose 
leads revolution of the Robot God 
to prove that everyone has paid their dues 
before they discover he is the fraud 
who scammed us all of our democracy 
to rule our souls with cruel theocracy. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus and the skinny boy conspire to restore democracy imperiled the world over by uncrowned kings disguised as presidents.
