Glycon Snake God © Surazeus 2025 02 14 The plum tree gleaming white on grassy knoll lures young boy across tangled clumps of grass with eager desire to consume sweet fruit, but hiss of serpents slithering in the grass causes him to freeze, though his heart beats wild, so breathes misty air that stings his soul. Breathing deep intense spirit of the mist, Alexander centers beam of starlight to gyrate coils of fraught anxiety in brass wand fixed with diamond at its tip as he steps slowly over tufts of grass among the snakes with eyes gold as the sun. Stopping before the plum tree gleaming white with delicate blossoms that veil green fruit, Alexander reaches out trembling hand to touch rough bark with courageous despair, but Glycon, enormous serpent with wings, rises on coils and leans close to his face. "Small hairless monkey with moon-silver eyes," hisses Glycon with emerald-green eyes, "I am incarnation in serpent form of wise Asclepius, healer of the soul, so I have returned from Realm of Ideas to offer salvation to all lost souls." Young Alexander with long wheat-gold hair spreads arms open and smiles with calm delight, "Great Glycon, spirit serpent of our world, teach me arcane wisdom you bring from stars so I foresee events that will occur when I trace primal cause to each effect." Coiling around brass wand with diamond tip that Alexander holds in his right hand, Glycon lifts his head above moonlit gem, "I commission you, wingless monkey seer, to preach salvation of my holy word for common folk against fake gods in power." Striding boldly in Paphlagonian hills, Alexander journeys with serpent wand to bustling city of Byzantium where he proclaims that kind Asclepius, son of Apollo, has been born again to save mankind from doom of corruption. Hundreds of hungry souls searching for truth gather around the tall angelic man who preaches, "Though you are all lost in gloom, I bring light of Apollo to your lives, for Glycon Snake God reveals to my eyes how I can make our nation great again."
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus watches Alexander preach salvation through oracles he receives from Glycon Snake God with skeptical analysis of his prophecies.