Coil Of Taut Time © Surazeus 2025 02 14 Inspired by beautiful calyx of death that provides bounty from coil of taut time, Consus oversees harvest of gold grain heaped on four-wheel wagons, Helius designed, hauled by horses along the river shore to store fruit of the Earth in temple hall. Skipping cheerfully with basket of apples along wooded shore of Albula River, where Tiberinus drowned to save Albina, Spuria Tarpeia sings enchanting tune to express her love for the wolf-boy Remus whose silver eyes make her heart flutter wild. Hiding behind oak in the shadowed vale between two hills where the twin brothers reign, Spuria watches as Romulus and Remus grab arms of Hersilia, then each declares intention to crown her their city queen, and gasps when the wolf-boy she loves is killed. "Once rival gangs on opposing fort hills," Romulus proclaims to swift-foot warriors, "Now we can merge our forces in one army, and thus I crown Hersilia Queen of Roma, mistress of the water well whose wise words you must obey with loyalty of love." Plowing furrow around lush Palatine peak, Romulus sets foundation stone in soil, then proclaims construction with honest hands high Wall of Romulus built with strong stone to surround pale of paradise with hope that provides haven for wandering tribes. Stepping forward from assembly of men, Neptunus requests word scepter to speak, "Because our wall-enclosed haven of Roma is crowded now with swift-foot warriors, our rising glory of power will die if we have no children to build our state." "Your words inspire me with clever plan," Romulus grins, "so I hereby announce new games festival I name Consualia, lead by you, bold equestrian Neptunus, as Consus, warden of the harvest grain, to host in honor of your sea-wild father." Festooning horses with garlands of flowers, Consus Neptunus and his cult of grooms lead horses to parade in streets of Roma past swift-foot warriors with long spears and bows who capture Sabine virgins as their wives while Romulus reigns as Jupiter Feretrius.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus plays lyre of Mercury while people watch the horse races at the Consualia hosted by Romulus who presides as Jupiter.