Sunday, February 16, 2025

Glass Brain Of Faith

Glass Brain Of Faith
© Surazeus
2025 02 16

Nothing seems real to the glass brain of faith 
who watches the world television show 
depict villains stealing wealth from our hands 
while soil of the Earth crumbles into words 
that turn into butterflies of despair 
so hopes and dreams vanish in silent rain. 

Fruit trees blossom from the glass brain of faith 
at second coming of messiah sleuth 
who works at the Museum of Lost Dreams 
where people visit after work to pray 
since rivers keep on flowing to the sea 
regardless of who tries to rule the world. 

Messages beamed from the glass brain of faith 
declare with confidence of rain-smooth rocks 
the situation is under control 
despite thieves seizing computer machines 
that distribute payments to hungry hearts 
who wander with horses on windy plains. 

Laughing clocks unwind the glass brain of faith 
faster than hawks snare rabbits in the bush 
too late for laws protecting innocence 
when banks charge fees for the air people breathe 
though we hold our breath and jump in the lake 
to find salvation in tears of the sky. 

Something is true to the glass brain of faith 
that sees Heaven with kaleidoscope eyes 
where Lucifer dances on glowing clouds 
with Emerald Tablet of chemical laws 
on which he scribes weird formulas of fate 
that define process of cause and effect. 

First flash spirals in the glass brain of faith 
to map expansion of the universe 
that flares forth from big bang of conscious love 
forming galaxies of suns which feed globes 
with energy that evolves into beings 
who tell each other stories of the real. 

Star atoms pulse in the glass brain of faith 
who wakes from strange dream of eternity 
to name itself as separate conscious being 
exploring landscape of its hungry heart 
before it invents weird concept of God 
as supernatural being that never dies. 

I see myself in the glass brain of faith 
that conjures virtual model of the Earth 
composed of memories I experience 
which I organize in Tale of My Life 
within narrative framework of my soul 
which will end in death I cannot foresee. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus holds up the glass brain of faith while lecturing to students about psychological system of Plato he called Realm of Ideas.
