Door Of Eternity © Surazeus 2025 02 16 Lonely for the way ghost clouds shimmer white with sobbing heaviness at hour of birth, I stand outside door of eternity to welcome newcomers to our weird world who emerge from the pregnant mother tree that binds their bodies with the change of time. To touch the face of Death I touch your face so I can feel fierce coldness of the stone when I push through door of eternity and sob with gravity of changing time, soul leveled against broad breast of the globe to taste tumbling song of the silkened sea. Each stone of Earth tumbled by waves of the sea cries out to me with anguish for pure light we feel within door of eternity when we hang half-awake in poise of hope between ice-glistening air and damp earth which beckons our hearts with alluring voice. With grip of honest passion for the truth, I cling to the edge of vast emptiness, long falling through door of eternity which I describe in letters I must hide that still lie scattered on forgotten desk where birds eat words I never meant to write. Cold lamentation of the burning hill, despite how far stairs curl around despair, reveals repaired door of eternity where children watch our global fight for power play out on field where leaves of time fall slow to shroud false geometry of our love. Through elegant dribble of happy rain I head for somewhere far beyond my grave which imitates door of eternity to wait between the rotten and the ripe with unperceiving passion for the truth, bewildered by how flowers grow in mud. Yet immanence of death prefers my speech explaining frail fate of philosophy brought forth to crack door of eternity and savor intricate concept of grief based on rubble of homes destroyed in war, manifest in miracle of my eye. My face mirrors nameless divinity with subtle amusement of graceful shock, able to lock door of eternity extravagant with horror we conceal with heart-enchanting song of ocean waves where ghost clouds whorl across the crystal sky.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus gazes with visionary awe at ragged white clouds that blow across the sky after the long night of thunderstorms.