Saturday, March 8, 2025

Zigzag Path From Dream

Zigzag Path From Dream
© Surazeus
2025 03 08

Trajectory of my zigzag path from dream 
arches over mountains of singing trees 
clockwise between cities of faceless ghosts 
who all vanish in cold wilderness wind 
when I leave crowded streets of Babylon 
to find pure ancient Eden of my mind. 

Until I express my triumphant speech 
at witnessing temporal dance of desire 
I know not how my heart was wounded sore 
from whispered darkening of the hourglass 
that measures span of change my soul endures 
from sweet deception of sincerity. 

No supernatural god among bright clouds 
could justify his tyrannical ways 
for smearing rage on my sensitive skin 
with abrasive thoughts of controlling hope, 
intent on judging failures I perform 
in my quest to fulfill my private dreams. 

Congenial regret of absolute faith 
distorts perception of my groping mind 
to pierce conceptual gloom of wretched fear 
with gleaming light of ineffectual prayer 
that darkens bliss oozed from foul loaves of stone 
poisoned by aggressive lust of contempt. 

Till I strip off mask of Faustus at dawn 
to conceal true identity I hate, 
I try to crack icy distance of faith 
glazed by will of Heaven to trap my soul 
with bitter assumptions of fierce conceit 
that squanders hard-won rewards I entail. 

Disbursed inheritance of ancient myths, 
designed to bolster insecure intent 
with noble attributions fate assigns, 
restricts assertion of my secret will 
with clutched accumulations of desire, 
though lost in mapped landscape of inquiry. 

Puzzling image of exorbitant truth 
with polished instrument of gratitude, 
I perform ritual of expressive spells 
to study substance that stands under forms 
consigned to ceremony of regret 
which cleanses innocence hearts of desire. 

When I wake startled from sweet dream of love 
I find my body is composed from tears 
transformed by chemicals of hungry pain 
from purified water of mountain streams 
that spiral through my veins in writhing lust 
so I remember who I am at last. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus listens as Faustus explains why he wants to start a bakery near the river park after working years in accounting at the Internal Revenue Service.
