Improve Portrait Of God © Surazeus 2025 03 11 When I stumble in the watershed days, struggling to survive gushing flood of change, I realize with wry laugh of aching hope that I failed to improve portrait of God based on performance of powerful men who scramble to top of the pyramid. Now that my body, fragile is it is, channels psychic energy of fierce hope to live in harmony with fertile Earth, men who rule vast corporations as kings exploit intense labor of our grasping hands to build empire of control over lands. We hide grim stories of our suffering in snarky television sitcom shows or melancholy radio songs of hope which distract our attention of despair when billionaires steal our government funds so they can enslave us in factories. Sisyphus leans against his rolling stone, exhausted from endless routine of work, and grumbles to workers sitting around that the wealth our hands generate from dirt rewards rich managers in golden towers while we watch football and drink numbing beer. When gang of government agents appears all the workers stare in startled surprise as they arrest Sisyphus with handcuffs and charge him with treason against the state for criticizing Great Leader of Earth with disloyal hate that must be suppressed. Chaining his hands to the huge rolling stone, Pluto snaps long whip of obedience so Sisyphus pushes huge stone of his heart to the top of the pyramid of power where Midas mocks his honest diligence, then kicks the stone to roll back down the hill. I will remain in hollow of my heart sophisticated person strong with faith who loves this country with loyal respect, rooted in traditions of liberty, so I choose to remain humble and sane though thieves seize control of our government. Though weight of history is crushing my heart I cannot hesitate with cautious hope to oppose cruel dictatorship of greed with passion for justice and liberty as engine that runs our democracy when we work to improve portrait of God.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus helps Sisyphus rise back to his feet, and leads thousands in helping him roll the stone to the top of the pyramid where they throw Midas from throne of power.