Ground We Dwell Upon © Surazeus 2025 03 05 I hear no angels call from sunken ships that went down in sudden erratic storms thousands of years ago in wine-dark seas, so I bring their statues back up to land where they stand in museums of soft light and wear stone masks of divine dignity. I feel my laughter flow in roots of trees to transform sorrow from excited dust as time converts rain to new languages spoken by young tribes wandering the Earth without knowing they will stop by the lake and build the first city to hide despair. Tall oak tree alone in the open field asks me to bring her fresh mushrooms and eggs, so I climb the mountain of singing stones to measure the distance from birth to death where children leap from bushes in surprise and dance around me as they wave their arms. Happy in this timeless place of sad trees that cover me with leaves of tender hope, I watch empires of power rise and fall along flowing rivers ten thousand years while I write names of their glorious kings on dry brown leaves that crumble in the wind. Small frozen sun calls me across the field where gold wheat stalks whisper alluring lies, so I walk alone beyond garden walls where weeping angels keep watch at midnight to protect their families from hungry thieves who steal everything we make with our hands. While the old woman in the long black dress who stands on rocky cliff above the sea plays heart-enchanting music of starlight on vibrating strings of the violin, millions of people are born from our eyes who walk together on the bridge of lies. When divine kings in grand tombs are exhumed we find their flesh has withered into dust and their bones are fragile as angel wings, but the crowns with jewels they wore with pride still gleam with immortal glory of power, though we have forgotten their names and deeds. I search for angels in the apple tree and find young children wild with joy for life, so I play songs with lyre of Mercury to sing about great heroes of the past whose visions shape how we perceive the world for their minds are the ground we dwell upon.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus maps the ground we dwell upon in ancient myths of cultural heroes who programmed how we perceive the world.