Saturday, February 22, 2025

We Sing For Life

We Sing For Life
© Surazeus
2025 02 22

We sing about what breaks our hearts the most, 
and present noble visions of the good 
we hope we can achieve where we fail the worst, 
for what we praise with eager heart of hope 
is what we feel we lose with grim despair, 
so we sing for life even as we die. 

We gather in groups on broad river shores 
to remember the terrible event 
that almost wiped our ancestors off Earth 
with solemn ceremony of sad prayers, 
then feast in honor of the noble dead, 
so we sing for life even as we die. 

We wander together across the land, 
our feet blazing trails that become the roads 
where our descendants walk ten thousand years, 
singing about the sorrow of our loss 
and about our hope for the Promised Land, 
so we sing for life even as we die. 

We write the stories of our painful lives 
with sticks in shifting sand on beach of time, 
but laugh when ocean waves of moonlit tides 
erase our stories from heart of the Earth, 
then we bury our parents by the tree, 
so we sing for life even as we die. 

We hide our memories in the polished box 
Pandora gave us as the Christmas gift 
to preserve photographs of those we love 
with keys that open doors to homes and cars 
that burn down and get left on the trash heap, 
so we sing for life even as we die. 

We build our homes from memories of fear 
to shelter our hearts from terrible dread 
when we huddle together under trees 
against bitter cold winds and blasting rains 
to stay clean and warm from the elements, 
so we sing for life even as we die. 

We construct machines with passionate hope 
to produce more food for people to eat 
after we suffer centuries of famine, 
but still millions have not enough to eat 
while rich men enslave us in factories, 
so we sing for life even as we die. 

We write songs of joy from sorrows of loss 
and hymns of happiness from bitter pain 
to sing about the paradise we want 
while still surviving through chaotic hell 
as if we hope to manifest vain hope, 
so we sing for life even as we die. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus writes and sings hymns to praise the rich and famous people who rule the world from their shining palace on the hill.
