Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Undoor Of Time

Undoor Of Time
© Surazeus
2025 02 25

Each day I glide through undoor of time 
to walk with my beloved in the park, 
I stop and feel strange beauty of despair 
as dead leaves drift from hungry naked trees, 
then step into the riverboat alone 
and row in dream to laughter of the sea. 

Stars guide my journey through undoor of time 
with spangled proverbs bleeding cherry pits 
that poison angels of the rancid land 
who cradle mothers fallen from the clouds 
whose bodies form fertile fields of our farms 
from which we grow new trees from aching hearts. 

Death lures my wild dance through undoor of time 
because my body tangled with glass bones 
remembers violent ecstasy of love 
that swells my spirit larger than the sky 
with pulsing arrogance of shocked insight 
when I see vision of our spinning world. 

Pure sea waves wash me through undoor of time 
on surging tides of frantic honesty 
with currents that still flow invisible 
though I map vastness of our throbbing globe 
with beauty-measuring glimpse of timeless flash 
that beams divine light in my dreaming brain. 

Unseen grandeur beamed through undoor of time 
connects my body to galactic mind 
as substance glowing spirit from the flesh 
constraining awed assertion to transcend 
material process of chemical force 
which animates our motion toward untime. 

Strange stories dispersed through undoor of time 
map brave new world of beautiful concepts 
when we create meaning of noble truth 
from random anecdotes of world events 
that thrust the fool on stage of history 
whose sacrifice elevates him to god. 

Tossing rock of truth through undoor of time, 
cracked open wide by gentle words of faith, 
I gaze at my face in Pool of Narcissus 
to understand true nature of Star God 
who always seems to silently watch us 
perform calm rituals of our frantic lives. 

With reticent faith through undoor of time 
I carefully explore world of ideal forms 
beyond terrified walls of paradise 
when Lais of Hyccara calls me name 
then takes me to sparkling Fountain of Youth 
to eat and discuss the meaning of life. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus follows Lais along the rugged mountain trail, picking berries as they flirt, then kiss under Grandmother Tree.
