Saturday, February 15, 2025

Ten Million Ways

Ten Million Ways
© Surazeus
2025 02 15

More than ten million ways to sing the dream 
befuddle me with possibilities 
for dancing with flow of the river stream 
to join our national festivities 
disguised as wingless angel of the moon 
commissioned to oppose the rich tycoon. 

More than ten million ways to speak the word 
confound my heart with eager scrappiness 
known for contriving instinct of the herd 
to construct grand palace of happiness 
constrained by mortgage no one wants to pay 
except the king conned by the castaway. 

More than ten million ways to build the home 
inspire my mind with vision of world peace 
where no one conscious ever has to roam 
propelled by malice of the Golden Fleece 
to purchase honesty from the blind seer 
who hides spy cameras in the chandelier. 

More than ten million ways to fly on wings 
increase my mountain-fierce anxiety 
for learning how to forge new magic rings 
as horcrux programmed by psychiatry 
which grounds electric flash of my brain soul 
masked by performance of my special role. 

More than ten million ways to sail the sea 
compel my drive to channel pressure straight 
through psychic force of social liberty 
designed by brave souls who reprogram fate 
so I can proudly say with thunder voice 
I blaze my destined path with each blind choice. 

More than ten million ways to cook the cake 
record each vain attempt that witches brew 
when stirring elements drawn from the lake 
by laughing jesters of the Argo crew 
who seek out new worlds of tribes to explore 
without ever stepping outside the door. 

More than ten million ways to pray to God 
enforce wild revolution of the lost 
who frame the honest king as greedy fraud 
miscalculating what services cost 
in coup to destroy our democracy 
and enslave our minds with theocracy. 

More than ten million ways to rule the world 
chronicle how all empires rise and fall 
in chaos controlled by the cosmic herald 
who translates bloody writing on the wall 
through revelation that earns him respect 
as prophet who plays social architect. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus calculates more than ten million ways to tell Ophelia about his love for her personality.
