Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Same Good Savior

Same Good Savior
© Surazeus
2025 02 26

Through false epiphany of mindless fear 
as biased Observer of the Human State, 
I perceive structure of the New World Order 
taking shape across landscape of the Earth 
where six empires grow from two hundred countries 
as puzzles assembled by self-crowned kings. 

Congregating in sprawling empire-states, 
tribes contesting over resourceful land 
ally with enemies of civil hope 
to fight cruel strangers in that nearby state 
who want to take our land and eat our fruit, 
so we follow the howling prophet of death. 

Sarcastic comments on blind human pride 
may never open hearts of wounded souls 
distraught by threats to their security, 
so we gather in temples of bold faith 
and pray with fervent wish to Faceless God 
that we survive and thrive in wars of death. 

Dionysus wants me to drink sweet wine 
and dance with wild abandon in the wind 
that swirls from restless ocean waves of hope 
to motivate my hopeless leap of faith 
so divine energy fills me with love 
when I release fear and set my heart free. 

Apollo wants me to rein intense flash 
of psychic energy pulsing my brain 
with strict attention to constructive form 
that winds taut vibrancy of aching hope, 
so with each careful strum of lyric strings 
I weave graceful melody of pure love. 

Releasing anguish of my wounded heart 
to channel flush of psychic energy, 
I arrange harmonious tones of desire 
fraught with elegant grace of starry tones 
which beams bright rainbow after raging storm 
to enchant despairing hearts with new hope. 

When people of nations misunderstand 
people of other nations with blind fear, 
because principles of our world views clash, 
we sit together in the feasting hall 
to share Epic Tales of our Cultural Heroes 
so we see they are all the same Good Savior. 

With true epiphany of heartfelt love 
as biased Observer of the Human State, 
I share insight of my vision in song 
that every God who founded their nation 
is noble hero we can all respect 
as soul who represents the best of us. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus admits he is biased Observer of the Human State as he records his latest epiphany on the complex nature of human society.
