Revelation Of False Truth © Surazeus 2025 02 13 Odd angle of sunlight beaming slantwise might discombobulate my sense of right when I express frustration of content, but I leap shallow ditch of jagged fears to catch quick winged flight of ardent breath at shocking revelation of false truth. Unbroken stone of river-smoothed respect guides my meandering way of random fate on stumbling surety through confidence straight toward eccentric doom of thought around my blurry goal in circled steps at blithesome revelation of false truth. Toward face of God above vast empty Earth, unseen by eyes of Innocence or Greed, I trudge past endless hills of nowhere else in lonely lands where baleful ghosts haunt hope to mountain shadow of the never-seen at wretched revelation of false truth. Across bleak waste land of bare houseless hills I plunge in verge of fear-shadowed Mirkwood to wander dreary valleys of despair where ravens croak on shores of rocky streams and wolves of sad wind howl from distant caves at murky revelation of false truth. My chilled heart misty as blue evening moon, I search with wandering stars for something true that gleams with ghostly paleness of lost hope in elvish groves of faith-forbidden fruit as bleak wind seems to call "Arthur", my name, at silent revelation of false truth. Far from warm castle Camelot I built I chase receding time of formless faith for wisdom that long perished in fraught roots of morbid mountains veiled by silent fog to wait and watch in shadow world of hope at woeful revelation of false truth. Deep in Zarathian Forest of tall trees I wear gold mask my father forged for me as I approach vast cave of dragon jaws to peer in heart of darkness shrouding faith where eerie light of voiceless wisdom glows at divine revelation of false truth. Bright in my reverent hand of awed respect green emerald God Eye of the holy Earth gleams with transcendent flame of timeless faith in arcane runes that spell my secret name, so I dream whole history of Earth unfold at primal revelation of false truth.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus explores huge dragon cave in the rugged Zarathian Mountains where he finds Arthur gazing entranced in the Emerald Tablet.