My Infinite Eyes © Surazeus 2025 02 19 I see the universe inside my eye so I dream motion of aggressive faith assert its right of vibrant energy to spiral planets from electric sparks that glimmer between my infinite eyes as conscious creatures searching for the sun. With ache of hunger in my human heart I gesture hands and utter magic spell to transform water into sacred wine so I can raise my children from the dead who exist between my infinite eyes as they play games in garden of blind ghosts. Hiding quietly with ravens and mice in gold shadow of the forbidden tree, I note how constellations change each night to reprogram clock of the universe which spirals between my infinite eyes with successful laughter of mountain wind. Because my tears ring melodies of faith that flow with joy on rocky bed of fear my heart of stone will shine ten million years before its solitude is worn away to fragment between my infinite eyes and crumble from the hands of Sisyphus. Emblematic of how all empires fall, the grand snowman I built on Christmas Eve has melted into faceless dirty clump of existential horror on asphalt that dissolves between my infinite eyes without the magic thorny crown of Christ. Electric spectrum of my sparkling brain beams rainbow bridge across the lonely sky to prove with jagged honesty of fear weak men blind with greed will dispute the truth that blossoms between my infinite eyes where we dwell safe in haven of fruit trees. Frowning as he contemplates history, Cynthius explains formula of fate that the Brutus Solution always leads to the Augustus Dilemma of power that expands between my infinite eyes into world empire of commercial peace. As minuscule speck of dream-conscious light, I glow with bitter-sweet love by the pool where Narcissus writes his name on the water to explain fragile beauty of our world that pulses between my infinite eyes with billions of people under one moon.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus hosts meeting of patriots to discuss the Brutus Solution in hopes to save the Republic of Zarathia from fascist tyranny.