Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Light Of Divine Love

Light Of Divine Love
© Surazeus
2025 02 19

Cool in the silent cistern of my heart, 
memories of our times together gleam 
with helpless grief of those beautiful hours 
veiled now by darkness of long-passing time, 
blessed that mindless light of divine love 
glows through our bodies with pleasure of life. 

Though we are transient shadows of our dream 
in temporary bodies of warm flesh 
as intense energy constrained by frame 
of meaning we devise to maintain life, 
we glow with pleasure of existing now 
through forms stamped bright beyond eternity. 

We paint our bodies on canvas of time, 
asserting with each willful stroke our choice 
to walk this certain way of hope-blind faith 
on ever-shifting sands of social norms 
with honest confidence that we surf well 
in balanced flight of oscillating needs. 

Though I feel lost in wilderness of pain, 
beyond myth-maps of acceptable styles 
humans design for surviving mute death, 
I find myself wherever I am now, 
and thus decide with brave alacrity 
wherever I roam my heart is my home. 

When I participate in sports events 
to express intense energy of hope 
by outpacing the fastest runner far, 
or subduing the strongest fighter down, 
this self I am glows with divinity 
of bright achievement channeled through my soul. 

Through lithe expression of my human form 
I channel divine spirit of starlight 
to display grand conceptual gracefulness 
with the best performance humans achieve 
as model that represents noble strength, 
shining brightly, though time will snuff my flame. 

Stardust congealed in lithe organic form, 
conscious of itself as wily I Am, 
my spirit shines its hour of graceful life 
from birth to death in rise and fall of hope 
while I progress on quest to be myself, 
crowned by Fame, then bowdlerized by death. 

If I accomplishment some memorable deed, 
recorded in our global chronicles 
as notable achievement that provides 
conceptual tool which helps humanity 
transcend our struggle to beautify life, 
I hope Pindar would sing my name with honor. 


  1. Orpheus plays lyre of Mercury and sings Ode on Human Achievement that Pindar composed for the Olympic Games.

  2. Cracking the Ode: A New Englishing of Pindar
    Elijah Perseus Blumov
    Literary Matters

    The Penguin Book of Greek and Latin Lyric Verse
    by Christopher Childers
