Eyes Of The Laughing Tree © Surazeus 2025 02 07 Half dead from sorrow of the laughing tree, Erick stares at shadow in the Face Pool, shocked he resembles old man he once knew who vanished in the woods long years ago, then grins when the tortoise with stoic eyes breaks surface of the pool with haunting silence. Concerned for safety of the laughing tree, Emzara gathers apples in the woods to feed her husband who constructs the ship in which he plans to sail the stormy sea, till she finds young man staring at his face mirrored by the small pool of haunting silence. Startled by soft voice of the laughing tree, Erick looks up to see in long green gown young woman holding basket of ripe fruit who smiles and offers apple in her hand, so he accepts and stares in sea-blue eyes where he sees wild flood of haunting silence. While hoping to protect the laughing tree, Emzara contemplates mysterious flash which reveals all that is wrong with this world, but asks young man who guards undoor of time if he feels optimistic about fate, so he whispers dream spell of haunting silence. Eager to map eyes of the laughing tree, Erick traces his steps in the waste land to record proper path to Wonderland where Rapunzel and Richard Lion-Heart host global Feast of the Epiphany where Orpheus sings hymn of haunting silence. Returning to field of the laughing tree, Emzara shows the young World Conqueror how Jason constructs the swift Argos ship with wood stolen from the Temple of Baal so he can sail across the storm-wracked sea to find Atlantis lost in haunting silence. Naming new continent for his old mother, Erick builds home-fort by the River Styx to store the Golden Fleece he stole from Colchis where Anahita pours Dionysian wine in the Holy Grail, encrusted with rubies, to reveal sacred truth of haunting silence. Tending horses in the stall on the ship, Emzara watches stars behind rain clouds, and calculates days since they left Sumeria should bring them to lush shores of Shangdong soon where Nuwa welcomes them with open arms to feast on pyramid of haunting silence.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus paints portrait of the laughing tree filled with the eyes of the ghost of every soul who ever lived on Earth since First Mother rose from Lake of Dreams.