Saturday, February 8, 2025

Blankness Of The Sky

Blankness Of The Sky
© Surazeus
2025 02 08

If I should see in blankness of the sky 
face of the girl who knows my secret name 
I will focus attention of my eye 
to translate mysterious code of the game 
humans perform to gain and maintain power 
from mirrored chamber of the hilltop tower. 

When I feel vibes from blankness of the sky 
radiate bright waves of psychic energy 
I search cave of illusions for the Why 
when I strum tunes on lyre of Mercury 
in mental war against tyrant of hate 
who strives in vain against celestial fate. 

Though angels fall from blankness of the sky 
to wander lost as humans on hard Earth 
I hire them all to play the clever spy 
uncovering wealth Midas denies has worth 
in awkward trick of jesting which confounds 
proud fascists strutting stiff on burial mounds. 

I hear voice call from blankness of the sky, 
"Know, phony patriots of America, 
fooled into following the Antichrist, 
King Midas will soon serve wise Onatah 
who rules Zarathia, Land of the Free, 
by enforcing Justice and Liberty." 

Jupiter shines in blankness of the sky 
through noble fight against Pluto the grim, 
leading us to rescue Liberty from plight 
by chanting magic spell in charming hymn 
exposing bullies who lie to deceive 
frightened people who come at last to grieve. 

Lucifer leaps through blankness of the sky 
to conquer the conqueror with just law 
and restore to each soul their civil rights 
bestowed at birth from heart of Onatah 
who washes our souls clean with blood of truth 
through sacrifice of our messiah sleuth. 

Stars disappear from blankness of the sky 
except through far-sight of the telescope 
for which I analyze bright Golden Eye 
that watches how we mortal humans cope 
from crystal palace on high pyramid 
while I map myths in complex psychic grid. 

Because gods play in blankness of the sky, 
through sharp invective of satiric code, 
that cracks the golden mask of tyranny, 
snide jesters mock King Midas and his toad 
to crown Minerva Goddess of the World 
who reigns with justice of the cosmic herald. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus dances on the White House lawn and mocks King Midas and his greedy toad who try to swallow wealth of America.
