Words Make Her Invisible © Surazeus 2025 01 24 Her words disturb the silence of the world so Mary puts them in the secret box till someone asks where she has disappeared to though she is standing right in front of them, because her words make her invisible except to ghosts in the mirror of love. Through cryptographic message of her name, which no one ever hears spoken aloud, she warns them how illusions of their world cannot shield their souls from reality, so she becomes absence that haunts their days, always mute in dim shadows of their fears. Down by the creek in endless purple rain where she discusses politics with frogs the crowd assembles from unspoken fear to berate her with hate of broken tongues the shocking fact that trees will never care till she assures them the sun has not died. Yet when the Gift Giver, dressed in red cloak, appears with bags of presents for them all, they beat him up and steal concepts of wealth which they find are nothing but plastic toys so they chase him out of town with pitchforks which they never use to harvest the grain. While she stands in the wet field by the oak, watching for signs of change in the still sky, she writes no lessons for people to learn in the blank book that quivers in her hand till it transforms into the hungry crow who waits patiently on the red stop sing. When she tries to explain to the church ghosts that the chandelier of famous glass masks has fallen from the weird celestial realm, they laugh and walk across the broken bridge to throw their sorrows in the frozen stream as smooth stones that clatter and roll away. Awake with startled curiosity, she gazes through the global telescope which lets her see grand monuments of state, but she adjusts the settings with the dial to see faces of people in each land but finds their names carved in their eyes with pain. Hoping to understand what motivates their casual performance of long-dead gods, she asks each person she meets on the road if they remember when the star-eyed man walked among them with diamonds in his hand, but they shake their heads, and she cries alone.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus watches Mary with admiration for her compassionate wisdom, and wonders why her words make her invisible to everyone else.