Violent Battle Of Wits © Surazeus 2025 01 04 While he lies lazily in warm sunlight among purple iris near olive trees, Gabriel dreams about beautiful Ishara who wears white gown and gold crown with sapphires while presiding in temple on the hill where people swear oaths she stamps with her ring. Startled from dream where he kisses Ishara, Gabriel jumps to his feet with grumpy shout, but bows when he sees grandfather Saggar who gives him rod and basket, then demands he bring seven fish home from diamond lake or else he can no longer eat at court. Feet stepping firmly on large egg-smooth stones, Gabriel wades in the swift ice-silver stream till he catches eight fish with graceful leaps, then strides jauntily along primrose path, but stops when Khemosh and his gang of thieves surround him with spears and demand his fish. Sneering haughtily at the mountain lord, Gabriel twirls brass wand tipped with diamond blade to battle thieves who strike with sturdy wands of cedar and oak, but his breaks them all, so they writhe and groan from pain of his blows till Khemosh is forced to his knees at last. "Each person who expends soul energy to gather material from earthly store and process minerals to metals or glass, or harvests food crops they sowed with their hands, deserves rich reward for their honest work, but you steal their wealth, so you should be beaten." Whacking his head so he writhes in sharp pain, Gabriel leaves Khemosh and his gang of thieves groaning in agony, and returns home where Ninsun grills fish he brings on the altar, so he eats with Saggar, An, and Ishara while regaling them with his victory. Placing hand on shoulder of Gabriel, Saggar announces with solemnity, "Son of my sister, the time has now come for you to attend Academy of Scribes where you can learn the secret letter code used to record information with signs. Exclaiming joyfully with eager hope, Gabriel thanks the old mountain temple priest, bundles clothes and scrolls in his travel bag, then gazes wistful at pendant of brass stamped with face of his mother Goddess Laz whose eyes still gleam in his memories. Accepting bag of figs from sweet Ishara, Gabriel strolls down mountain trail to the plain, then joins long wagon train headed to Ur where he will attend Academy of Scribes, riding beside old woman with gray hair who offers him sweet juicy pear to eat. When Khemosh and his gang of greedy thieves surround the wagon train and demand coins, Gabriel runs forth to guard the wagon master, and laughs, "You snappy little cavern wolf ignored the lesson I taught you with pain, so you will die if you change not your ways." Clashing wands in violent battle of wits, which everyone watches in stunned amazement, Gabriel and Khemosh battle with fierce force, leaping and twirling as their two wands spark flash of honesty against arrogance, till Gabriel stabs diamond blade in his heart. Burying Khemosh under pile of stones, Gabriel travels on with the wagon train till they arrive in sprawling maze of Ur where he searches for Academy of Scribes, smiling with eager excitement of joy when he strides boldly through its sacred gates.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus watches people going through the city gate, and notes young jaunty student with amusement.