Sublime Joy Of Faith © Surazeus 2025 01 08 Heart beating with sublime passion of speed, Epona races swiftly side by side with star-eyed mare whose fur is white as snow, booted feet and hoofs pounding rain-moist earth, long hair and mane flowing in eager wind, two spirits of free flight aching for wings. Staring at soapy water in the sink, Evelyn scrubs silverware, plates, and pans with hands soppy inside pink rubber gloves, legs sore from doing housework all day long, vacuuming floors, laundrying clothes and sheets, and cooking food for everyone to eat. "Though I ache to escape this stuffy house and run again with horses on the plains, racing with wind along bright river shores, I must attend compassion of strict hope to maintain safe haven of home with food that sustains good health of my family." "While living free with horses in wild hills appears idyllic in framework of ennui, exploring roadless forests of fruit trees where cheerful birds chirp and bright rivers flow, life in that wilderness was difficult and fraught with danger from attacking beasts." "Life in the wilderness was short and brutal, always roaming to find sparse food to eat, fighting animals and men to survive, and sheltering in caves from vicious storms, so I am lucky to be living safe inside this home with lots of food to eat." "Anxiety jazzes my mind with fear that unseen danger lurks beyond my sight, alarm system that keeps my mind alert with cautious awareness of patient death that helped my ancestors survive attacks, so I get bored living in this safe home." Placing dishes with potatoes, meatloaf, and salad neatly on the dining table, Evelyn smiles with joyful satisfaction that she is able to provide this meal for husband and cute children of her heart who come eagerly when she calls their names. Gazing at her whole family at the table, Evelyn prays with sublime joy of faith, "Our ancestors explored the wilderness so we can enjoy safety of our home where we share blessings of food and respect, so we thank indifferent Earth for this bounty."
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus films Evelyn as she stands at the fence watching horses graze in the meadow, hearts lonely to run with the wind along the river.