Maze Of Banging Doors © Surazeus 2025 01 26 Setting tarot cards on table of truth, the fortune-teller with ten thousand eyes explains his future to the angry man that he will become the wolf without teeth whose words become wild swarm of stinging bees so he slouches by the river and cries. Attempting to escape the circus tent, the trapeze lady sprouts eight sparrow wings and flies through tear in the fabric of time to fly across the maze of banging doors because the moon wails in her burning brain fractured into ten thousand languages. Dancing on the old wood theater stage, the ballerina hiding angel wings falls in love with the arrogant buffoon who makes her quit her job to stay at home and cook spaghetti for his gang of wolves but she works as typist at the garage. Startled from reverie by eerie cry, Cinderella hears mercurial voice of Icarus above the factory roof, so she abandons the assembly line and runs outside into cold swirling snow to find him hanging on electric lines. Gathering with her on the deserted road, the fortune-teller with the trapeze lady, and the ballerina clutching her gun, discuss how to disentangle from wires the wingless angel hanging upside down who smiles and pretends that he is all right. Crawling from ruins of his burned-down house, Cassandrus joins them on the lone highway to tell them the situation is dire because China and Russia will unite to divide America east and west by fooling them Midas is their messiah. Organizing effort with unique roles, Cinderella and the Witches of Oz rescue Icarus and repair his wings, so they walk together in the waste land, discussing signs of the apocalypse while Cassandrus follows behind and pouts. Placing hand on his shoulder with a grin, Cinderella tells Cassandrus, "Though we believe your prophecies of global doom, we cannot panic or despair with hate, for we must work together to rebuild democracy from ruins of tyranny."
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus meets the gang of revolutionaries on the signless road in the waste land, and joins their crusade to restore democracy.