Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Good Hero Guards

Good Hero Guards
© Surazeus
2025 01 22

Behind this social mask of my true face 
I am the emptiness of time and space, 
yet pure immortal light of our Sun God 
gleams divine consciousness in my soul pod, 
so I will shine while I am still alive, 
recording dreams that glow after I die. 

My soul is beacon of conceptual dreams 
that guides my journey along winding streams 
as I climb over obstacles of fear 
to find gem of truth in hand of the seer 
who meditates in misty mountain cave 
to translate timeless wisdom of the wave. 

Alone on mountain peak of inner sight, 
I measure city maze with moral light 
to analyze progress of human culture 
from food production to religious rapture, 
concerned when our vibrant democracy 
is crushed under greedy autocracy. 

Descending from mountain of cosmic vision, 
I return to mess of our teeming nation 
split now in two factions of civil strife 
that argue nature of the mother-wife, 
whether goddess nurtured with social care 
or oppressed house-servant that weak men fear. 

Strong men confident in their potent virtue 
treat women with respect of good purview, 
for Hero is the man who guards his wife, 
protecting her from harm with his own life, 
commissioned by Hera to honor her rights 
to live as she will, free from parasites. 

Men who try to control women are weak, 
and will never find the true love they seek, 
while men who help women grow strong with care 
will find paradise with her anywhere, 
for women generate life from our hearts 
when lovers calculate their fortune charts. 

My world view is political with hope 
that men will focus love with moral scope 
attentive to support dreams their wives cherish 
so their happy homes bloom rather than perish 
when they teach their children to live with grace 
that beams with divine beauty in their face. 

Good Hero guards his wife with honest faith 
to nurture radiance of her psychic wraith, 
so I build walls of paradise with love 
to secure our home with light from above 
when I strive to embody God in me 
as ideal spirit that sets my heart free. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus takes care of his new wife Ophelia by building a home, bringing meat home, and building walls to protect her garden where their children play.
