Bodies Alive With Souls © Surazeus 2024 08 30 Our minds record images with our eyes so we can see strange beauty of the world through truth we construct with riddle of words that teach us how to navigate despair on journey to understand how to live as conscious spirits conjured by our brains. I have heard people crippled by despair declare we are souls that experience life in these bodies of material form, but, though I want to believe this lie, I know we are bodies alive with souls that will vanish when our bodies decay. We are not spirits nurtured by the stars that beam down from celestial realm of thought, except as unconscious rays of the sun that weave this planet from atomic light, for we are spirits conjured by our brains as function of this chemical machine. We are not angels falling into forms of material substance designed by God, for we are coils of genes in dreaming cells that evolve around hydrothermal vents to crawl up rivers and swim in clear lakes till we climb in trees to eat fruit of love. Our bodies transform tetrapodal shape that evolves well four hundred million years, fish to lizard to mouse to cat to monkey to ape to human, striving to be God as Ideal Body we hope to attain, breeding children so we can transcend death. Each new brain designed by maternal hope conjures unique consciousness of its Self when we wake in our fresh material state, and strive to replay dramas of survival programmed by success ancestors achieved long enough to breed us from their desire. Of every conscious being who ever lives on every planet in the universe, since all our worlds spiral from the First Flash, I am me alone with my unique soul, bound tight within limits of time and space so my brain-soul glows as God till I die. Aware of my Self on this spinning world, I feel immortal unconscious Ungod wake from vibrational music of atoms so I am mortal conscious God in flesh when I breathe spirit of love, and express joy of existence in song of my death.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus savors experience of being a body that wakes its spirit through song and dance of joyful love till we die and vanish to nothing while our children live.