One Who Makes Us Free © Surazeus 2024 06 10 Back to land of Remora I would go by slipping through door of the multiverse to live in timeline of our spinning globe where Remus, not Romulus, wins the race to determine who rules the Seven Hills where aged Ilia mourns in Pythian cage. In campaign to make America great wisdom is outwitted by greed for wealth, the one who speaks truth to power is spurned while the brute bully of rage is adored, and equal justice of objective law is wounded when the rich exploit the poor. When brothers from bloodline of Charlemagne compete to wear bright Crown of Liberty, the honest christ willing to sacrifice his life to make life good for every person is too often defeated by the traitor determined to found empire on his power. The noble institute of the good state that functions to benefit all the people requires no tyrant wearing mask of pride to maintain operations of fiscal growth, for the empire built on idol of power collapses in chaos of warring gangs. After Amulius kills Numitor to crown himself king of Albania, he forces his niece, Rhea Sylvia, to tend the sacred flame as vestal virgin to ensure she bears no threats to his power, but she escapes cold temple of his greed. Changing her name to Ilia, for Ilium, she seeks Venus in sacred grove of Mars, and asks for sanctuary from his power, so Goddess of Love leads her to safe cave where Alban princess, and her wolf-eyed son, raise twins sons who build Empire of Rome. As heir to ancient republic of Rome, that functions through votes of democracy, America hosts election campaign every four years for christ and anti-christ to balance forces of darkness and light that maintains cycle of perpetual growth. Conserving values of strong families, we progress with currents of social change to ensure equal rights for every person who works in teams to create, not destroy, so we vote for the one who makes us free against the one who would exploit our fears.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus reports on the campaign for President of the United States of Remora.