Weird Winter Noons © Surazeus 2022 01 25 Against sweet wickedness of silent hope we drink electric rain of nothing real to taste beloved ruins no one builds concealed in bland dominion we avoid because we always know pathetic wish erases meaning we gamble to lose. Far less that we intend to wake from dream we still must diagnose how sounds escape fake colors our hands smear across steel sky through godlike consciousness we choose to sell for neural flashes washed by shocking truth that alters love we never could recall. Each sea that disappears in tears of gods hauls naked monster my mute soul rebirths from seething mystery rhymed by hungry waves past fraught impediments from marriage torn since I want now and always to share feast with nameless ghost of you who haunts my now. Rosebud mouth of hunger I must become at feral roar too sweet to qualify lights bilious surfeit more wretched than lust when I drink milk that flows from pungent Earth at surging tide of dream from rancid pool deep as abyss that seethes my hollow heart. Beneath insomniac glare of city towers with wretched hope of screaming siren spells we share mute glances blinded by house dust of stern possession docile as fierce owl who understands my heart-contorting awe that I transcend familiar foreign me. Despite this gentle anguish we still smell long scented sour as rotting plums of faith we follow taut tomato vines beyond abyss of loneness through weird winter noons too scared to name indifferent beast we love when cows inside school classrooms laugh at death. We walk barefoot on signless road of coals halfway through waste land vast as nothingness with eyeless wind that lingers in tall grass though we know why the caged bird never sings narrower than oceans inside my heart where wingless angels drown in glowing words. Glamour of thoughts concealed by shell of words reveals where Remus waits for his first love though she creates my body from soft clay to prove sea slime still animates my brain that spirals ten thousand possible clouds which might reflect the face I give to you.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
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