
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Incarnation Of The Earth

Incarnation Of The Earth
© Surazeus
2018 07 22

After I drop my compass overboard
I drift nowhere on shoreless Sea of Dreams,
wandering without purpose beyond the scope
of all the grand goals I planned to achieve.

No longer knowing where to navigate
my ship of self across the treacherous sea,
I release the tiller from gripping hand
and let wild currents carry me elsewhere.

The boom swings back and forth in careless wind
while the rudder shudders in swirling stream,
and the keel slices through my aching heart
as the spar creaks to sprout broad wings of flight.

The hull of faith cracks open on sharp rocks
of skeptical analysis through questions
about interpretations of the facts
so my ship sinks into hungry abyss.

How small I am in world of elements
that swirl relentless waves in tides of change,
self-contained package of conscious desire
who tries in vain to control molecules.

I cannot control surging tides of change
but I can comprehend process of motion
and surf relentless waves on balanced hope
to fluctuate with cycles of desire.

Washed up on the sparkling sand of despair,
I gasp for spirit to spark urgent hope,
inspiring soul of flowers with desire,
then stand dizzy on the eye of the world.

Step by step I walk up steep winding vale
to enter broad dale of sweet pungent grass
and kneel before the tree of shining fruit
that shimmers red as the sun through rain clouds.

I pluck ripe apple from the Tree of Life
and devour sweet juices of light and rain
that sparkles energy inside my heart
which beats in rhythm with the surging sea.

How strange to be alive with aching hope,
enclosed within this body of soft flesh
that tingles from the kiss of sprinkling rain
blown by the wind that swirls my tangled hair.

I breathe the pungent scent of muddy soil
and lean against hard trunk of the fruit tree
to gaze back down at the featureless sea
that shimmers silver in rays of the sun.

Nameless and lost in the world of nowhere,
I eat the apple on the hill of hope
then sing wordless ecstasy of desire
to feel the spirit of the world in me.

The dreaming soul at the core of the world
manifests itself in this body of flesh
that evolved from sparkles deep in the sea,
weaving light into the dreams of my brain.

I am the incarnation of the Earth
which organizes molecules of hope
in this organic body of desire
to conjure dreaming spirit of my brain.

Standing by tree of fruit, I shout with joy,
laughing as I watch nine men walk toward me,
who kneel before me on the windy hill
then spread their hands toward the sun in the sky.

"Henrikus, son of Godfridus and Matilda,
how glad we are to find you still alive
since we saw your ship sink during the storm,
and feared you drowned in the bottomless sea."

Hiding my face behind mask of the Prince,
I follow them along the winding trail,
breathing deep the restless winds of the sea
as we climb toward the castle on the hill.

In the window of the tower in the sky
I see my mother, the Empress Matilda,
who wears gold crown that shimmers with twelve gems,
so I sigh, prepared for another lecture.

With one long last glance at the shining sea,
I remember sailing away nowhere,
and for one moment I feel wild wind
blustering through the tangle of my long hair.

Breathing deep the free wind of the wild sea,
I turn and step through the door of my duty,
then see young Eleanor of Aquitaine
who stands like the sun goddess by the hearth.

Heart smitten with illusions of desire,
that beats wild as the hawk soaring on wind,
I step forward and pour her glass of wine,
gazing entranced by blue sea of her eyes.

"I am the fool lost in sea of your eyes,"
I smile and wink, so she laughs with delight,
then sips wine as we sit by the warm hearth,
and talk for hours in the flickering light.

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