
Friday, May 11, 2018

My Water-Eyed Muse

My Water-Eyed Muse
© Surazeus
2018 05 11

While I wander nowhere in waste land lost
I see black thundercloud that never rains
blow open in red blaze of glowing light,
and down on writhing wings I see descend
fierce Helen with water eyes and fire hair
who stands before me where I kneel in dust.

Gazing up at face of water-eyed Helen,
who sailed with Paris to Elysium,
awed at the sight of the terrible goddess,
I breathe honeysuckle scent of her hair
to gather strength that pulses through my body
then rise to my feet before her bright glory.

Heart pounding in my breast, I smile with joy
when fire-haired Helen places in my hands
the Golden Pen and Scroll of Endless Pages,
and with the voice of mountain wind she cries,
"Compose new epic of philosophers,
presenting Seekers of Truth as great heroes."

Her breasts rise higher than Mountain of Muses,
her breath swirls fresh with Spirit of the Truth,
her eyes shimmer cyan like Sea of Life,
and her hair flames bright as Fire of the Sun,
wise Helen, terrible Goddess of Love,
who places laurel wreath on my bowed head.

Humbled before her divine majesty,
I climb Mount Takoma to Cave of Dreams
and sit at the desk with computer keyboard
to type verses in the Science of Hermes,
transcribing epic tale of the Hermead
while Xanthe Kyanopida chants her song.

When water-eyed Helen ceases her song,
I complete composing our epic poem,
then wander on happy in Somewhere City,
standing on street corners to play guitar
and sing epic poem of philosophers
who research truth about nature of things.

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