Court Of Vapid Fame © Surazeus 2025 03 12 When I wake up with wings spread from my heart I throw stone of my brain into the wind so bird of happiness flies toward the moon to billow huge white storm of thunder clouds that light my body bright as radium with abstract beauty of eternal love. Complex wholeness of the temporal truth multiplies our bodies across lush hills based on boundless formality of fate encasing tense emotions in stone words inclined to debate imaginative faith with solemn-eyed respect for moon beliefs. New representation of the wild soul regressing from mute terror in the stone expands weird system of belief in light that should include architecture of faith surrounding naked bodies we express through careful dancing with elegant grace. Stars are not fixed though they seem not to move beyond one inch in twenty thousand years despite attempts to voice confused beliefs that souls which animate our frames of clay beam down from fountain of immortal light to flush our aching flesh with hungry hope. Alarmed inaction of the noble prince, faced with contempt from social rottenness performed by impotent men grasping power, exhausts his passionate display of faith that arc of justice will soon bend his way to energize rebellion through respect. Asserting force of truth with strength of love to oppose the tyrant trampling our rights, young doppelganger of the noble prince too cautiously approaches how to fight against the thief who wears fake mask of Christ while exercising blatant theft of wealth. Yet I shall dance among the daffodils while wandering lonely as the faceless cloud far from the glittering court of vapid fame to hide from thirst of the social vampire who demands we perform to great acclaim in return for wealth they deign to award. Through ultimate unknowability without objective evidence of facts I exhale divine breath of the timeless word that causes ripples on the sea of souls where I transmute into mythical tale that records my journey on noble quest to incarnate in children before I die.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus and Hamlet drink wine and discuss how to oppose the tyrannical oligarchy of Midas and Pluto attempting to take over America.